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Our Governing Body

Welcome to our Governors' section.

Oak Grange Nursery and Primary School governors are volunteers who oversee how our school operates. This group is known as the Governing Body. They are involved in decisions about all aspects of the school - such as maintaining the buildings, controlling the budgets, supporting staff and ensuring high standards of achievement for all the children in our school.

Governors are elected every 4 years. Our school will have 2 parent Governors who are parents of pupils attending Oak Grange Primary School, 1 Staff Governor, 8 Co-opted Governors and the Headteacher.

The governors also help to make big decisions about the school's long-term goals, They support the head teacher, but also ask questions and make sure that the head teacher is taking the school in the right direction. 

Governance structure

Oak Grange Primary School is an academy within East Midlands Education Trust, with our own local governing body being accountable to the Trustees. Governors retain a considerable amount of delegated authority to make decisions affecting the day to day running of our school.

Board of Trustees and committee membership

The Board meet six times per academic year and are the accountable body who determines which functions to delegate. The board has established specific committees and named trustees to deal with issues such as finance, audit, risk, education and standards, strategic development, pay, performance and HR.   

The Chair of Trustees is Mrs Ann Witheford.


Trust members hold the board of trustees to account for the effective governance of the trust and are tasked with assessing the board’s performance to ensure the purpose of the trust, and its charitable objects are being fulfilled.  It is the trust board, not the members, who are the organisation’s key decision makers.


The terms of reference/scheme of delegation and supplemental funding agreement for our school can be found here

Declarations of Interest

Business declarations can be found here

Please find below details of our governors, including the names, categories, responsibilities, interests and terms of appointment for each Governor.

Chair of Governors: Mrs Anne Witheford Email: