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Safeguarding Information

At Oak Grange we consider the safety and wellbeing of our children our greatest priority. We want our children to feel safe, respected and curious to learn.

We fully understand that protecting children from harm at school and at home is everyone's responsibility.  That we will develop positive relationships with children, parents and families to ensure that Oak Grange children are safe and well.

We will work positively with professionals who also have responsibilities to keep children safe including; health and social care.  The Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mrs Coleman) has a duty to protect all children in her care, as do all staff and governors of the school.  Working with other professionals allows us to effectively carry out that duty and keep all children safe.

Working together, with the children at the centre of all we do.   Please find our safeguarding policy at the end of this page. Thank you.

Safeguarding Team

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)  is Mrs Coleman
Deputy Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)  is Mrs Lane
The safeguarding Governor is Mrs Ann Witheford


Contact in the School Holidays

If you have a safeguarding concern about a child during school holidays, please email:  This account is monitored regularly on weekdays during school holidays. 

If you have concerns about a child’s immediate safety, please contact the police on 999 if it is an emergency or 101 for non-emergencies. Safeguarding concerns can also be reported anonymously to the NSPCC whistleblowing line on 0800 028 0285.